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Home » Forum » Games » Battlefield 3 » Server Stats Ingame Commands

Server Stats Ingame Commands

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Posts: 44
# 30.03.2013 - 05:08:35

Ingame Commands (defaults!)

Tells the Player their own Serverstats

Tells the Player their own Serverrank

Show up the player of the day

Show up the player of the day

Tells the Player their own Sessiondata

Tells the Player the Top10 players of the server

Tells the Player the Top10 players of the server for specific period

Tells the Player the Top10 players of the server for specific period

[@,#,!]stats WeaponName
Tells the Player their own Weaponstats for the specific Weapon

[@,#,!]rank WeaponName
Privately Tells the Player their own Weaponstats for the specific Weapon

[@,#,!]top10 WeaponName
Privately Tells the Player the Top10 Player for the specific Weapon of the server

[@,#,!]dogtags WeaponName
Privately Tells the Player his Dogtagstats

Tells the Player the Serverstats

Bedeutung [@,#,!]: @=privat , !=öffentlich, #=Gruppe


Zuletzt modifiziert von LE-Smoky am 30.03.2013 - 05:15:02